Praying for seriously wounded Metro Nashville (TN) Police Officer Terrance McBride


Praying for seriously wounded Metro Nashville (TN) Police Officer Terrance McBride

December 13, 2016
8:50 AM pst

Our King of Kings, the law enforcement community in the southwest part of the United States seems to be under recent attack as evidenced by another wounded law enforcement officer.  We, therefore, come into Your Presence, Lord, to lift up Metro Nashville Police Officer Terrance McBride into Your healing Hands.  As the news reports indicate he is in serious condition after suffering a shotgun wound to the shoulder, we ask You to place the correct medical specialists in Officer McBride’s path required to effectively treat his wounds.  May you grant all of the medical doctor’s supernatural wisdom and power to effectively identify his injuries and may Your healing power be upon your servant who was performing his job as a peacemaker for the people of Tennessee.  Lord, we ask for your sustaining grace to touch every member of the Metro Nashville Police Department as they rally around their wounded colleague and his family at this very emotional time.  May his family intimately know and experience Your peace that passes all understanding that will guard their hearts and minds in You.  Lord, grant the investigators involved in this incident wisdom and insight as the piece together all of the facts surrounding this attack on one of Your Peacemakers.  We are thankful the situation is over with the suspect unfortunately taking his own life.  May your hands of comfort and mercy touch the men and women of the entire Metro Nashville  Police Department as they support their wounded comrade and his family as you uphold and uplift them with your love, grace, peace and mercy.  As we know incidents like these can cause deep emotional trauma, may our Holy Spirit draw many officers unto Your Side because of Your Amazing Grace.  O’ Lord, be their rock, fortress, deliverer and refuge. May every law enforcement officer and family member know You will be their Shield and Stronghold.  May Your Holy Spirit draw many to your side.  May you use chaplains and other Christian officers to reach out to other officers and family members at this very emotional time.  Most importantly, Lord, if Officer McBride does not know You, may he and many come to know Your Grace and the eternal salvation that can be found in Your Son alone.  Continue to pour our Your grace and healing touch upon Officer McBride.  This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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