Praying for all Law Enforcement Officers in Minneapolis, MN

May 29, 2020
8:30 AM pst

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Our Father in Heaven, we come boldly before Your Throne of Grace to lift up the thousands of law enforcement officers in and around Minneapolis who are battling to keep the peace for the law abiding citizens of that community.  As there are likely instigators and agitators who are trying to foster a continued state of unrest, we ask You to pour out Your Holy Spirit upon the citizens and leaders of Minneapolis.  May You place Your hands of protection upon every peace officer and keep them safe from all harm and danger.  May Your Holy Spirit cause anyone who is bent on causing discord, unrest or violence to immediately stop any of their violent actions.  O’ Lord, raise up an army of Godly citizens who can be influential in returning peace—once and for all—to the people of Minneapolis.  May You expose any person with evil intent and may Your Holy Spirit intervene upon that person or persons to confuse their minds, cause them to be captured or cause them to stop any illegal actions.  May Your words come true that, “The LORD is known by his justice for the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.”  And, “The Lord is famous for the way he punishes the wicked in their own snares!” So Lord, may any trap someone might be trying to employ, backfire on them and cause them to be the victims of their own devices.  Lord, pour out Your Amazing Grace upon every man, woman and child in Minneapolis and abroad.  Let Your mercies be abundant everywhere.  Let love and forgiveness be made know to every citizen because of what Your Son has done.  May Peace like a river finally descend and bring rest to every person in Minneapolis.  May those filled with hate, be filled with the Love of Your Son who died on the cross for all of our sins.  May Your Holy Spirit thwart any planned or spontaneous attack upon any law enforcement officer.  If anyone may be planning to use a weapon, may You cause those weapons to malfunction, misfire, break or be lost.  Grant the law enforcement officer’s peace, grace, comfort and mercies at all times.  May Your amazing grace especially touch the families of these peacemakers who are loving and supporting their loved ones through this difficult time.  Fill every peace officer and peacekeeper with supernatural wisdom to intuitively sense any impending attacks and take safety.  May You fill every officer with wisdom and insight to be the best law enforcement officers at all times for Your glory, honor and praise.  Grant peace and mercy to the families of every officer in Minneapolis and abroad.  May Peace reign supreme once and for all, in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.



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