Praying for a critically injured California Highway Patrol Officer

May 7, 2016
9:30 AM pst

Our Gracious Lord, We come in earnest into Your awesome presence to lift up a critically injured California Highway Patrol Officer who involved in an on-duty collision.  As the news reports indicate he has major injuries, it is You Lord that we ask to touch his entire body and bring about a complete healing.  May You provide the best medical care for this officer and may You raise up the right medical specialists to effectively diagnose and properly treat his injuries.  May Your mercies and presence especially touch the family and friends of this officer and draw them ever so close to Your side where they may sense Your grace and comfort.  May Your peace, grace, comfort and love encircle the men and women of the California Highway Patrol as they rally around their injured friend and co-worker.  May Your grace, peace, mercy and comfort be with the officers family at this very difficult time of uncertainty.  As we know Your ways are not our ways, we pray for Your supernatural intervention in this entire situation.  May Your Holy Spirit speak to the heart and soul of this injured officer and fill him with Your peace and grace.  And if he does not know You as Savior and Lord, may You provide him an opportunity to receive You into his heart to receive eternal life.  May every officer, friend and family member know that they can perpetually cast all their burdens upon You because You intimately love them unconditionally.  May You raise up chaplains and Godly officers to be available to support the men and women of the California Highway Patrol.  May You use this near-tragedy to draw many unto Your Son, the Author of Life.  May many recognize their need to receive Your Son into their hearts and receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  May You, Lord, continue to provide the best medical care and bring about a full healing for this officer for we know Your word says You will never leave us nor forsake us. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.  

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