Praying for wounded Milwaukee (WI) Police Officer Brandon Baranowski

July 19, 2016
9:20 AM pst

O’ God, we thank You O’ Lord, for hearing the prayers of Your Children across America who are continually lifting law enforcement officers everywhere into Your Protecting Arms.   We therefore come boldly before Your Throne of Grace to lift up Officer Brandon Baranowski into Your healing arms.  We are so thankful he was wearing his vest and are so grateful that You spared his life.  As the news reports indicate he was shot multiple times and that his wounds were not life-threatening, we continue to lift him in prayer to You. May You grant the doctor’s continued wisdom to be able to identify any injuries and apply the correct treatment to bring about a full recovery.  May every officer in America hear Your Good news and may they intimately know that if they lost their life in the line of duty that they would be in Your Presence if they had already received You as Savior and Lord.  Lord, we ask You to reveal yourself to peacemakers across America.  May Your good news spread rapidly.  May every officer know that, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”; and that, “12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”  Lord, reveal You Son to the heart of Officer Baranowski, to the entire Milwaukee Police Department and to law enforcement officers across America.  From this day forth Lord, surround every law enforcement officer with Your Supernatural Kevlar—Your Angels.  May every law enforcement officer be endowed with wisdom and knowledge to be keenly aware of their surroundings and to be able to avoid any pits, traps and impending danger or ambushes.  May You cause any anti-law enforcement movement to fail and expose anyone trying to cause harm or dissension upon law enforcement officers.  May the name of Jesus be exalted, in His name we pray, Amen.

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