Praying for the U.S. Marshal’s Service in the on-duty murder of  Deputy Commander Patrick Carothers

November 18, 2016
4:35 PM pst


O’ Lord, Our hearts are broken as we mourn with the men and women of the U.S. Marshal’s Service in the on-duty murder of Deputy Commander Patrick Carothers. As the news reports indicate the suspect lost his life in this incident as officer’s had to return fire, we ask You to supernaturally touch those agents who were involved in that deadly incident.  We especially ask You to embrace the family of Deputy Commander Carothers with Your love, grace, peace, presence, mercy and comfort as they are in deep mourning at this horrific loss. May Your Holy Spirit support them throughout this extremely difficult time.  Lord, we ask Your Holy Spirit to settle upon the spirit and mind of every member of the U.S. Marshal’s Service and grant them Your peace that passes all understanding.  May they rest on Your promise that says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” As we know this loss has deeply affected many officers, we ask You to grant the investigators with supernatural wisdom to investigate this crime and gather all of the facts. Lord, we ask You to be a Shield and Refuge for every law enforcement officer involved in this incident and may You be a Fortress around them at all times. As the details surrounding this incident are limited, may Your peace, grace, mercy and strength touch every law enforcement officer—especially those who were at the initial shooting scene and had to endure the emotional trauma. Protect the hearts and minds of all officers from having to endure any long term or short term emotional trauma. O’ God, be that Stronghold in which every officer and family member can draw upon for strength.  May You bring about good from this horrible incident.  Even in the midst of this tragedy, may Your name be glorified in all that happens.  And as they U.S. Marshal’s Service must now prepare a final farewell, may Your name be glorified.  May You use President-Elect Trump to be a strong tower and encouragement to law enforcement officers across America through this tragedy.  May You raise up chaplains and Godly officers to support each other at this difficult time, in the name of Jesus we Pray, Amen. 

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