Praying for critically injured Utah Highway Patrol Trooper Eric Ellsworth struck by a vehicle

November 20, 2016
1:30 AM pst


Our God of Mercy and Grace, unto You Lord, we earnestly come into Your presence to bring Trooper Eric Ellsworth before Your Throne of Grace.  As the news reports he is in critical condition, we submit our pleas unto You, Lord, and ask You to grant the doctors and all of the medical staff supernatural wisdom and insight to be able to properly diagnose and more importantly apply the correct treatment to bring about a full recovery and complete healing.  O’ Lord, as Trooper Ellsworth is likely unconscious, may Your Holy Spirit touch his mind, spirit and heart and draw him ever so close to Your Side.  May Your mercy, grace and peace especially bring comfort to his family as they are at his side during this every emotional time.  May they intimately know Your Peace that passes all understanding as You carry them through this dark valley of uncertainty.  May Your grace also reach out to the many other co-workers and family members who are at the hospital supporting Trooper Ellsworth and the family.  May You use this time to cause many troopers, family members and friends to reflect upon You for comfort, healing, mercy and grace.  As we know You can bring about good from any tragedy, this is just what we pray for.  May You, Lord, draw many unto Your side where many troopers and others can sense Your sweet presence at all times.  May any trooper or family member who has drifted away from Your side, be drawn back into Your loving arms and receive forgiveness and peace.  May You, Lord, raise up Godly troopers, chaplains and others to be available to share the Love and forgiveness of Your Son.  May many come to receive Your Son in their hearts as their Savior and Lord.  May You bring peace to the family and provide them good news each day as their loved one recovers.  May Your will be done and according to Your Riches and Glory, and may this trooper receive a complete healing with a new heart and a new love for Your Son.  And as a result of this incident, may many within the Utah State Highway Patrol come to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

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