Praying for a seriously wounded Rutherford County (NC) Sheriff’s Deputy



Praying for a seriously wounded Rutherford County (NC) Sheriff’s Deputy

March 30, 2023
11:10 PM pst

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Our Gracious Lord, It is with deep hearts of gratitude that we thank you for sparing the life of a Rutherford County Sheriff’s Deputy in this deadly encounter. We, therefore, come boldly before Your Throne of Grace and ask that your healing power to continue to settle upon his physical body and restore him to complete health. As he has already undergone surgery, we ask You to continue to place the correct medical specialists in his path and provide him with the best medical care to bring about a full recovery. May your grace and mercies continue to be upon this wounded deputy’s mind and emotions as we know near death incidents like this can cause one to endure great emotional strain. May Your peace that passes all comprehension gently settle upon his mind and may he recognize he can go to You anytime because we know You are our refuge and strength in time of need. May your mercies additionally extend to his co-workers who were at that scene who were forced to fire their weapons. May this injured deputy and the other deputies who were involved in that incident know in their hearts that they can come before Your Throne of Grace any time and cast all of their burdens upon You because You intimately care for them. May your love, grace and comfort especially settle upon the family of this wounded deputy as You carry them through this very emotional time. May Your amazing grace be with all of the law enforcement officers who were at that scene and may they sense the sweet presence of your Holy Spirit uplifting them by Your unfailing love. May your grace also touch the first responders and medical personnel who rendered care to all involved. In all of this turmoil, Lord, we ask for Your goodness to be made evident to every deputy, family member, co-worker and friend and may many be drawn to Your side. May many law enforcement officers be encouraged with Your word as follows, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” May the Love of Your son descend upon their hearts and minds and may those who do not know You, be given an opportunity to receive You in their hearts as their Savior and Lord. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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