Praying for seriously injured Denver (CO) Police Sgt. Justin Dodge struck by a fire truck


Praying for seriously injured Denver (CO) Police Sgt. Justin Dodge struck by a fire truck

June 16, 2023
8:35 AM pst

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O’ Merciful Lord, we come into Your Glorious presence in great earnest to lift up Denver Police Sgt. Justin Dodge who was seriously injured in an on-duty collision. As the news reports indicate he sustained serious injuries to a leg after being struck by a fire truck, we seek Your touch and healing power to be upon him right now. May Your grace, mercy and healing touch reach inside his body, preserve his life and save his leg. As he is surrounded by family and friends, may You supernaturally empower the doctors and medical experts with YOUR wisdom and insight in order to effectively diagnose and treat his injuries and restore him to full health. Lord, as we know this is especially difficult for his family and co-workers (many who witnessed this incident), we know You are a God of Love and comfort for Your word says that if we ask anything according to Your Will, we have received what we ask. We, therefore, ask that You to continue to touch this injured officer for Your word says You are not willing that any would perish but that all would come to repentance and everlasting life. So, Lord, may You supernaturally touch Sgt. Dodge. May You restore and heal him in a way that will bring Glory to Your Name. As we know his family is deeply concerned, may they know that there may be weeping at night but may they also know Your joy comes in the morning. So Lord, may Your amazing grace touch the men and women of the entire Denver Police Department and uplift them in their hearts as they rally around their injured comrade and his family. May You also grant the investigators wisdom to investigate this collision. May You comfort many with Your word as follows, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” O’ Lord, if Sgt. Dodge does not know You personally, may You raise up Godly officers, chaplains and others to share Your amazing love with him. May he and many others receive Your Son as their Savior and Lord. May Your mercy and grace draw many family members and co-workers unto the love of Your Son in whom there is everlasting life, in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen

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