Praying for the Wintergreen (VA) Police Department in the on-duty murder of Officer Mark Christopher Wagner II


Praying for the Wintergreen (VA) Police Department in the on-duty murder of Officer Mark Christopher Wagner II

June 18, 2023
8:15 AM pst

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Our Father in Heaven, Your word says, “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” And, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” And that’s what we pray for the men and women of the Wintergreen Police Department as they cope with the tragic loss of Officer Mark Christopher Wagner II. O Lord, as we come boldly before Your Throne of Grace, we ask for Your Spirit to be poured out upon the many co-workers and friends of Officer Wagner. At a time of loss like this, we know the pain is ever so great in their hearts especially since they lost another co-worker just last year. And so, Lord, may the presence of Your Holy Spirit touch the many hearts in need of Your grace, mercy and comfort. Lord, we especially lift up Officer Wagner’s family who are in obvious shock and mourning at this horrific loss. We know it is only by Your amazing grace, presence, comfort and love that will carry them through this very difficult time of loss. May those grieving and mourning know your word says they can, “Cast all [their] anxieties on You, because he cares for you.”; And that “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.” Lord, as we know traumatic events like these can cause emotional trauma for years to come, we ask for Your Grace to intervene in those deeply troubled and replace their grief with Your everlasting comfort, mercy and grace. May You use this tragedy to draw many officers and family members ever so close to Your side. As the Wintergreen Police must begin the preparations for a final farewell for their fallen comrade, may You use this to draw many unto the love of Your Son. May many recognize the need of the “Peace” found only in Your Son that is accompanied with His amazing forgiveness of sins. May many know that Your Word says, “Now is the day of salvation.” Lord, may You raise up Godly officers and chaplains to minister to those whose hearts are broken. May every member of the Wintergreen Police Department—Chief, Captains, officers and civilian staff be drawn ever so close to Your Throne of Grace. At this final farewell service, may Your name be lifted high and may many receive Your Son into their hearts as their Savior and Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

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