Praying for wounded New Bedford (MA) Police Detective Lavar Gilbert shot in the face



Praying for wounded New Bedford (MA) Police Detective Lavar Gilbert shot in the face

July 18, 2023
7:55 PM pst

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Our Father in Heaven, We come before Your wonderful Throne of Grace to lift up a wounded New Bedford Police Detective. As he was shot in the face, it is reported he was able to drive himself to a hospital and is in stable condition, we seek Your continued mercies to be poured out upon him. O’ Lord, we ask that You continue to guide the medical professionals to properly diagnose and treat his wounds and bring about a full recovery. Most importantly, Lord, may Your grace, peace, mercy and comfort be made evident to the family of this wounded peace officer and may they be drawn ever so close to Your Side as they are at the hospital supporting their loved one. May Your peace continue to settle upon the heart of Detective Gilbert and may Your grace, love, comfort and unending love be made real in his heart and spirit. May Your Word as follow dwell richly in the heart of your wounded officer, family and co-workers as follows: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” So Lord, may Your grace and mercies also be upon the many other police officers, medics and medical professionals who were involved in the initial care and treatment of Detective Gilbert as they, too, may often experience the same emotional trauma as the wounded officer. As the news reports a suspect is still being sought, may You cause the suspect to be confused and may the suspect be swiftly captured. May You prevent any other officers from being injured. And if the suspect tries to use his weapon, may you cause it to misfire or malfunction. As the men and women of the New Bedford Police Department are rallying around their wounded comrade, may You raise up chaplains and other Godly officers to be a beacon of Your Presence. And as this wounded officer is being treated, may he sense Your presence in his heart and mind at all times and may he be drawn ever so close to Your side. Grant him an amazing peace together with Your amazing grace to carry him through this time of uncertainty. May You preserve his heart and mind in Your arms of love and grace in order to prevent him from enduring any long-term emotional trauma. And if Detective Gilbert does not know Your love, may Your Holy Spirit draw him unto Your side where he can seek Salvation found only in Your Son and receive everlasting life. May your name be forever glorified, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

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