Praying for a critically wounded Washington County (OR) Deputy Sheriff shot multiple times and for a seriously wounded Montreal (Canada) Police officer who was stabbed.



Praying for a critically wounded Washington County (OR) Deputy Sheriff shot multiple times and for a seriously wounded Montreal (Canada) Police officer who was stabbed.

July 26, 2023
3:25 PM pst

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Our Merciful Lord, we come before Your Throne of grace to lift up a critically wounded Washington County Deputy Sheriff who was shot multiple times. As he is being treated at a hospital, we ask You to continue to grant the doctors with supernatural and natural wisdom to effectively diagnose his wounds and apply the correct treatment to bring about a full recovery. O’ Lord, spare his life. May Your love, grace, mercy, comfort, love, peace and presence gently touch his family and sustain them with Your amazing grace. May Your words comfort his family as follow, “Be still and know that I am God.” And if this deputy does not know You personally, may You raise of Godly officers or chaplains to share the love of Your Son with him. And Lord, we also want to lift up the men and women of the Washington County Sheriff’s Department as they support their wounded co-worker. Touch those in need with Your amazing grace. We also want to lift up the men and women of the Montreal Police Department as they endured the near loss of a co-worker who was stabbed. As he has been or will be undergoing surgery, may You guide the hands of the doctors and bring about a full recovery. O’ Lord, as we are so thankful to You Lord in sparing the life of this officer, may Your grace and mercies touch those who have been so deeply affected. May Your mercy, comfort, love, peace and presence touch the family of this wounded officer and sustain them with Your amazing grace. As countless members of the Washington County Sheriff’s Department and Montreal Police Department are surrounding the family of these injured peacemakers, may Your Holy Spirit speak to their hearts to know Your word as follows says to, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.“ O’ God, may Your peace that passes all understanding sustain those in need. Grant the investigators in both incidents with wisdom to piece together the facts surrounding these crimes. As incidents like these can short-term or long-term emotional trauma, may You raise up Godly officers and chaplains to be available to support and care for anyone in need. May Your grace touch their hearts and minds and prevent any long-term issues. And in the weeks to come may You use these near tragedies to draw many unto the love of Your Son in whom there is everlasting life and peace. May many receive Jesus as their savior and Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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