Praying for a seriously wounded Erie (PA) Police Sergeant



Praying for a seriously wounded Erie (PA) Police Sergeant

July 30, 2023
8:25 PM pst

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Our Father in Heaven, as Your Peacemakers across America continue to protect and serve their communities, this attack is just another indication of how valuable they are on the front lines protecting and serving their communities. And as a result, we continue to lift up in prayer, seeking Your Protecting Hand in everything Your peacemakers do. So, once again Lord, we are so thankful to You for sparing the life of this Erie Police Officer. As the news reports this officer is recovering at a local hospital with a leg wound and has undergone surgery, we ask You to continue to grant the medical staff wisdom to apply the correct treatment and bring about a full recovery. As the family of this officer is at his side, may Your Presence and grace be made known to their hearts and minds as You carry them through this near-death encounter. May they intimately know Your love and unending mercies. We also want to lift the many other Erie police officers before Your Throne of Grace who was present when this shooting. We are thankful the suspect was later arrested. May these officers deeply sense Your Hands of mercy and Your Presence carrying them through this near-death encounter. As we know traumatic incidents like this can cause short-term or long-term emotional and spiritual trauma, we therefore seek an abundance of Your grace to be poured upon them to allow them to heal. As this near-death encounter has affected the entire Erie Police Department, may every member be encouraged by Your Word as follows, “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Lord, may You use this near-death encounter to cause many officers to examine their hearts. If any have strayed from Your path, may You use this to draw them back unto the love of Your Son. And if any officer does not know You, may You cause them to seek You with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength. If anyone desires to seek and know You personally, may they invite Your Son into their heart as Savior and Lord. May Your amazing grace touch many lives within the Erie Police Department and bring them Your peace that passes all understanding, in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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