Praying for a wounded Greeley (CO) Police Officer


Praying for a wounded Greeley (CO) Police Officer

September 11, 2023
9:20 AM pst

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Our Father in Heaven, we come into Your Presence, O’ Lord, with hearts of praise and gratitude unto You to thank You for sparing the life of a Greeley Police Officer. As the news reported the officer has non-life-threatening wounds we ask for Your continued healing touch to be upon this officer and ask you to provide for a full and complete recovery. More importantly, Lord, we ask for Your amazing grace to settle upon the heart and mind of this wounded officer as he/she must deal with the emotional reality of this life-threatening event. May Your grace and your presence touch his/her heart and mind as Your mercy, grace, comfort and presence carry him/her through this life-threatening encounter. May Your Presence, comfort, love, mercy and grace also be with the officers of the Greeley Police Department who were involved in that incident. As we know this life-threatening encounter can affect the entire Greeley Police Department, we ask for Your peace that passes all understanding to gently settle upon them and especially the families of the officers involved in that deadly encounter. May You fill the investigators with wisdom and insight to be able to gather all of the facts surrounding this use of force. And through this ordeal Lord, may You use this near tragedy to draw the members of the Greeley Police Department unto Your side to intimately experience the joy and peace provided by Your Son. And if this wounded officer or any other co-workers or family members do not know Your love and forgiveness, may Your Holy Spirit cause many to examine their hearts and draw them to the Love of Your Son where they may receive Him as savior and Lord. As a result of this near-death encounter, may You draw many officers and family members to Your side and may many come to receive You as their Savior and Lord. May Your mercies and peace rest upon the many allied law enforcement officers, first responders and medical personnel who aided in saving the life of this wounded warrior and civilians. May Your words as follows come alive in the hearts of many law enforcement officers, “Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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