Praying for seriously wounded Cleveland County (OK) Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Steadman


Praying for seriously wounded Cleveland County (OK) Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Steadman

October 4, 2023
2:50 PM pst

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Our Merciful Lord, we come boldly into Your Presence O’ Lord and ask you to hear our prayer as we lift up a seriously wounded Deputy Sean Steadman before Your Wonderful Throne of Grace. At times like this Lord, we know it is only YOU to whom we can turn and ask You to pour out Your supernatural wisdom upon the medical doctors and staff members as they treat Your wounded peacemaker. May You fill each of them with Your Holy Spirit and guide their hearts and minds in order to effectively diagnose his wounds and continue to apply the correct treatment that will heal Your wounded servant. May Your unfailing love, grace, peace, love and mercy sweetly settle upon Deputy Steadman. May Your Presence be graciously made known to him and especially his family as they rally around him and support him at this very emotional time. Most importantly, may Your unending grace be made evident in their hearts and minds. As we know this attack on one of Your peacemakers has deeply affected the entire Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department and allied law enforcement agencies, may Your Arms of Love and Mercy uplift every deputy and department member and hold them ever so close to Your side. Even in the middle of this near-tragedy, may Your grace be made known to all. May You grant the investigators wisdom and insight to piece together all of the details in this incident. As the suspect escaped capture, may You grant the investigators supernatural and natural wisdom to locate and arrest the suspect. May You cause the suspect to be confused and unable to sleep or rest. May You cause his weapon to misfire or malfunction. And may You cause a citizen to spot the suspect and report his location. Lord, protect every peace officer searching for this suspect. May Your mercies also sustain the family of the suspect who died. So, Lord, may Your words as follows resonate in the hearts of many as follows: “The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.” So Lord, hear our cries and pour out your grace upon Your wounded servant. May Your Holy Spirit, even now, begin to touch the hearts of so many in need of a touch from the Master’s Hand. May You raise up chaplains and other Christian law enforcement officers to minister to those hurting in their hearts. Finally, may the God of Hope fill every deputy, friend and family member with all Joy and Peace because of the everlasting gift of eternal life found only in Your Son. And if Deputy Steadman does not know You, may You allow someone to tell him of Your love and the everlasting life found in Your Son, this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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