Praying for a wounded Chicago (IL) Police Officer



Praying for a wounded Chicago (IL) Police Officer

November 7, 2023
6:30 PM pst

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Our Gracious Lord, with hearts of thanksgiving, we come before Your Throne of Grace to thank You for sparing the life of a Chicago Police Officer wounded in the line of duty. As the news reports indicate he was hospitalized and is expected to survive, we, ask You to continue to grant the medical doctor’s wisdom to continue to apply the correct treatment and bring about a full, unhindered recovery. O’ God, we are so thankful for Your amazing grace to have been with this wounded officer and the three other officers who were fired upon. As there are countless officers across America continually in harm’s way, we know that any attack upon Your servants-peacemakers is inspired by evil. May You, Lord, continue to fill every law enforcement officer in Chicago and across America with supernatural wisdom, insight and strength as they perform their duties as peacemakers for Your Word says, “The policeman is sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for he will have you punished. He is sent by God for that very purpose.” May Your peace and grace especially touch the heart, mind and spirit of this wounded officer who experienced this near-death encounter. May You grant him a peace in his heart that passes all understanding. May You especially be with his family who are loving and supporting him through this near-death encounter. We are so thankful his life was spared. And as we know incidents like these can cause short-term and/or long-term emotional trauma, may Your grace intercede in the heart of this officer and draw him unto Your side to intimately know Your mercy and comfort. As the suspect died in this incident, may You grant the investigators wisdom and insight as they gather the facts. Most importantly, may many Chicago officers and any other allied officers know Your word says, “It is God who arms [them] with strength and makes [their] way perfect.” Finally, we ask Your grace, love, peace. Comfort, mercy and Your Presence to settle upon the many officers who were present when this incident occurred. Finally, may every officer with the Chicago Police Department intimately sense the love of Your Son and know His peace that passes all understanding. O’ Lord, preserve and protect every law enforcement officer in Chicago and across America. May Your love be revealed in the hearts of those officers and may they come to know Your Son as savior and Lord, in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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